The idea of a race like that sounds really interesting. And that was the though of a friend who asked me to help in verifying the road book.
My answer was a big YES, not having second thoughts. Although I did not had much of experience (at that time), I wanted defentely be a part of it. It is a race that follows regularity rules, so the roadbook was our big concern.
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At the meeting point, in Varibobi Square,there was a small talk with the organizers. It was clear that the race will follow the rules of precision race of historical vehicles in conjuction with the general rules of TrailRide. The categories of cars depended on the age of the car. However, for the first time, all this was designed in order to give the opportunity to motorcycles take part. Along the way, there will be hidden time marshals. At the end, whichever crew manages to keep it closer at the specified average speed and collect the least penalty points would be the winner.
Having a quick look at the roadbook, last page of calculations shows a distance of 110kilometers.So, I took a deep breath, zero the odometer and let's start with my driver! I am a liitle anxious as we have to check the road and be sure where we should place the time marshals (hidden or not). Despite that, I had the opportunity to enjoy the landscape around Marathon's Lake. Everything rolled fine, and now our anxiety is next Sunday's weather conditions.
So, the day of race has arrived. Although it was not rainy that day, there were points full of water, and all this made the whole race quite demanding. At the end, every car and motorcycle were full in mud, but participants' smile was all that counts! Hopefully, a next race could be on motorsport calendar!